Fellowship and Support

Coffee Hour: Join us for coffee hour and conversation each Sunday after worship.
Wednesday Evening Meals: Join us for a free Wednesday evening meals at 5:15 Mid-September to Mid-May. All are welcome.
Wednesday Summer Ice Cream and Fun: Join us for ice cream after worship on Wednesdays in the summer (mid-June to mid- August). Bubbles, chalk, conversation and fun! Free!
Wednesday Evening Meals: Join us for a free Wednesday evening meals at 5:15 Mid-September to Mid-May. All are welcome.
Wednesday Summer Ice Cream and Fun: Join us for ice cream after worship on Wednesdays in the summer (mid-June to mid- August). Bubbles, chalk, conversation and fun! Free!

Denim Quilters: Church members make denim quilts for our graduating seniors. Contact the church office for more information.
Card Makers: People come together to make cards the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm. Resources provided. The cards are given to shut ins and sold to support outreach and ministries of the church.
Grief Share:
Mary Ingenthron periodically leads this ecumenical group that offers support for those who have lost loved ones. Contact the office for information about upcoming sessions.
Visitation and Special Worship Services: Our parish visitors, Jim and Paula Laffrenzen, and Pr. Jeanette work together to visit those who are ill, homebound, in assisted living/nursing home facilities, etc. Please contact the office if you would like a visit. We also provide a worship service at the Sunshine apartments. (These services are generally the first Thursday of each month at 10:15 but are subject to change.). We work with WACMA to provide nursing home services at Crossroads, South Shore, Ecumen Meadows and Golden Horizons.