Weekly Services
Sunday Worship - 9:30 am (Facebook Live or YouTube)
Sunday School - 8:45 am (September - May)
Wednesday Worship - 6:00 pm
Welcome to First Lutheran! God’s grace and love frees us to love
God, each other and our neighbors! We are glad you are joining us!
Our worship times are Sunday at 9:30 am (available on Facebook
Live) and Wednesday at 6 pm (30-45 minute service). The first and
third Sundays are traditional worship services with Communion. The
second Sunday is a contemporary worship service. We have
Communion most Wednesdays. We are located at 1200 4th Ave in
Worthington in Worthington, MN. We are a member congregation of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and welcome all
baptized believers to have Communion with us! Come as you are!
(People will wear everything from casual to dressy clothes.) Not sure
what you believe? Join us as you discern. All are welcomed here.
Nuestros servicios de alabanzas son los domingos a las 9:30 am (disponible en Facebook Live) y los miércoles a las 6 pm (servicio de 30-45 minutos). El primer y tercer domingo son servicios tradicionales de adoración con Comunión. El segundo domingo es un servicio de adoración contemporáneo. Tenemos Comunión la mayoría de los miércoles. Estamos en 1200 4th Ave en Worthington en Worthington MN. ¡Somos una congregación miembro de la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en América (ELCA) y damos la bienvenida a todos los creyentes bautizados de a tener la comunión con nosotros! ¡Ven como eres! Personas llevan ropa casual y, también, ropa formal. ¿No estás seguro de lo que crees? Únase a nosotros mientras discierne. Todos son bienvenidos aquí. Nuestra Pastora Jeanette y Directora de Los Jóvenes (Brenda) hablan español. Llama a 612-636-1533 si quiere hablar en español con alguien.
Church office phone number: 507-376-6148
Are you in need of a gift idea??? Do you need gas or groceries? We have Hy-Vee and Fareway gift cards you can purchase HERE and by doing so you are supporting the church. The more we sell, the more we can deposit into the general fund. These cards make great gifts. Gift Cards will be available in the office during office hours and during coffee hour on Communion Sundays. Thank You!
Church Fax Number: 507-376-6149
Pastor Cell Number for Emergencies: 612-636-1533
General Email: felcwgtn@gmail.com
Starting March 1, 2025 - New Office Hours
Monday—Thursday: 8:00 am—12:00 pm & 1:00—4:30 pm
Friday: 8:00 am—12:00 pm
The church will be locked during the noon hour (12—1 pm).
First Lutheran will be doing a Love INC furniture delivery on March 2 after the service. If you are available to help deliver furniture, please call or text Timothy Tarus at 651-208-2449.
March 5th Silent Auction begins. Donations can be dropped off in the pink basket outside of Brenda's office. We are reaching out to businesses and items are coming in - feel free to reach out as well. We will officially begin the auction on Sunday March 9 and end on April 6 at 11:00 am. Reach out to Brenda if you have any questions. Thanks!
Reminder of Winter Weather Protocol—If the schools are closed; the office will be closed. If there is an early out for the schools, there will be no after school programs and the office will also close. Notices will be posted through email, Facebook and the local radio stations. Thank you!
Thank you so much for the support of our KFC ministry. We have three nights of meals that need to be covered before we begin serving Lenten meals. Contact Brenda Richards if you can help or sign up on the apples on the youth bulletin board in Centennial Hall. Thank You!
On-line Directory is available to access. If you need help getting signed in, please contact Natalie or Brenda Richards.
Noisy offering for youth programs takes place the last Sunday of every month.
Sunday School - Sundays at 8:45am
Confirmation - Wednesdays from 6:30pm-7:30pm
Youth Group - Wednesdays from 7:30pm-8:15pm
April 11-12 Confirmation Retreat
Sunday May 4th - 507 at Living Waters Covenant Church - grades 6th and up from 6:30-8pm
Wednesday May 21 - all church end of the year picnic
June 9-12 Community Kids' Camp
July 20-25 High School Mission Trip to Lake Traverse Reservation, SD
July 20-25 Elementary and Jr High groups going to Shetek Lutheran Bible Camp